1. potential
형) 잠재적인, 잠재력이 있는, 예상할 수 있는
potential buyers/customers 잠재고객
potential profit 예상 이윤
Managers should be aware of the potential problems
which exist in communication with different cultures.
the potential benefits of the new system
명) 가능성, 잠재력
economic/commercial/development potential
경제적/상업적/개발 가능성
The company certainly has the potential for growth.
그 회사는 성장 가능성이 확실히 있다.
a young player with great potential
뛰어난 잠재력을 가진 젊은 선수/연주자
2. objective
형) 객관적인
objective assessment/measurement/description
객관적인 평가/측정/묘사
It's hard to give an objective opinion about your ideas.
purely/totally/completely objective
전적으로 객관적인
명) 객관성
명) 목적(특히 사업이나 정치상에서 달성하고자 하는 목적)
One of my first business objectives should be to get your own office.
3. subject
형) ~하기 쉬운, ~을 조건으로 하는
be subject to + N
All flights are subject to delay.
Prices are subject to change.
The programs are subject to change without notice.
The President would appoint the Council of Ministers,
subject to the approval of the National Assembly.
명) 주제, 제목, 학과
The subjects covered in this lecture are confusing words.
You know TOEIC is a touchy subject with me.
4. alternative
형) 대안의, 양자택일의
alternative approaches to learning
Have you any alternative suggestions?
** (사회적 기준에 바탕을 두지 않은),
새로운, 전위의
alternative rock -
1980년대의 펑크, 포크,레게, 재즈 등의 다양한 음악에서 영향을 받은 실험성 짙은 음악
sources of alternative energy
대체에너지의 원천
alternative fuels
대체 연료
alternative medicine/therapies
대체 의학
형) 잠재적인, 잠재력이 있는, 예상할 수 있는
potential buyers/customers 잠재고객
potential profit 예상 이윤
Managers should be aware of the potential problems
which exist in communication with different cultures.
the potential benefits of the new system
명) 가능성, 잠재력
economic/commercial/development potential
경제적/상업적/개발 가능성
The company certainly has the potential for growth.
그 회사는 성장 가능성이 확실히 있다.
a young player with great potential
뛰어난 잠재력을 가진 젊은 선수/연주자
2. objective
형) 객관적인
objective assessment/measurement/description
객관적인 평가/측정/묘사
It's hard to give an objective opinion about your ideas.
purely/totally/completely objective
전적으로 객관적인
명) 객관성
명) 목적(특히 사업이나 정치상에서 달성하고자 하는 목적)
One of my first business objectives should be to get your own office.
3. subject
형) ~하기 쉬운, ~을 조건으로 하는
be subject to + N
All flights are subject to delay.
Prices are subject to change.
The programs are subject to change without notice.
The President would appoint the Council of Ministers,
subject to the approval of the National Assembly.
명) 주제, 제목, 학과
The subjects covered in this lecture are confusing words.
You know TOEIC is a touchy subject with me.
4. alternative
형) 대안의, 양자택일의
alternative approaches to learning
Have you any alternative suggestions?
** (사회적 기준에 바탕을 두지 않은),
새로운, 전위의
alternative rock -
1980년대의 펑크, 포크,레게, 재즈 등의 다양한 음악에서 영향을 받은 실험성 짙은 음악
sources of alternative energy
대체에너지의 원천
alternative fuels
대체 연료
alternative medicine/therapies
대체 의학